Pilgrim’s Europe is delighted to announce Richmond’s first ever brand partnership with Heinz which has helped create two new products: Heinz Beanz with Richmond Sausages and Heinz Spaghetti with Richmond Sausages which will hit shelves this Thursday 23rd May.

The new products will be available exclusively in Asda stores nationwide followed by a roll out to other retailers over this summer.

Both new delicious products bring two of the Nation’s favourite UK brands together and are being welcomed as permanent additions to the Heinz family – replacing their existing Heinz Beanz and Spaghetti with sausages range for all to enjoy.

Steph Allen, Marketing Manager, explained: “This is one of our most exciting launches of recent. Heinz boast a heritage of over 150 years and to combine that with Richmond is a match made in food heaven. We have been working very hard in the background to get to this launch date, so to see the product on shelves this week will be the crowning glory.”

Alessandra de Dreuille, Director of Meals & Infant UK at Heinz said: “Heinz Beanz and Spaghetti with Sausages have long been a speedy teatime staple for many families across the country. Whilst they have always been well loved, we’re big believers in always striving to create the best possible food products, and that means improving our recipes from time to time.

“And that’s why we decided to partner with Richmond Sausages to permanently upgrade Heinz Beanz and Heinz Spaghetti with Sausages. With over 100 years of expertise, as well as also being a mealtime favourite for Brits across the UK, Richmond were a natural choice.”